Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Some points should be noticed for etching

Reduce erosion and protrusion along the side to improve the etching factor. Produce sudden lateral erosion along. Printed in the etching solution is usually longer, (or use the old vacillating etching) the more serious side etch. Lateral erosion seriously affect the accuracy of printed conductors, would severely undercut the production of fine wires become impossible. When the lateral erosion and sudden decreases along the etching coefficient is increased, a high etching coefficient indicates the ability to maintain the thin wire, so close to the wire after etching artwork size. Plating etching resist either tin - lead alloy, tin, tin - nickel alloy or nickel, can cause sudden excessive wire along a short circuit. Because projecting along easily broken down, between two points of an electrical wire bridge.

Board and the Multilayer pcb board to improve the consistency between the etch rate. Board in a continuous etching, the etching rate is more consistent, more uniform etching of the board can be obtained. To meet this requirement, must ensure that the etching solution in the whole process of etching remain etched in the best condition. This requires selection easy to regenerate and compensation, the etching rate of the etching solution is easy to control. Used to provide constant operating conditions and parameters of the various solutions can be automatically controlled processes and equipment. By controlling the amount of dissolved copper, PH value of the solution concentration, temperature, solution flow rate uniformity (spray nozzle and a nozzle system or swing) or the like.

   Improve the safe handling and etching thin copper foil and the ability of the etching thin laminate multilayer thin laminate inner layer so when the board is easy to wound on rollers and transfer wheel and cause waste. Therefore, the etching of the inner plate device must guarantee smooth, reliably handle a thin laminate. Many equipment manufacturers in the etching machine gears or rollers attached to prevent the occurrence of such phenomena. A better approach is to use an additional Teflon coated vacillating envelope sent as a thin plate supports. For thin foil (e.g., 1/2 or 1/4 ounce) etching, must guarantee not to be scratched or scratched. Stand like a thin copper foil etching 1 ounce copper on the mechanical drawbacks, sometimes more intense vibrations are likely to scratch the foil.

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